How to Reach the digital generation

How to Reach the digital generation

Mobile phones have resoundingly overtaken desktop devices as the preferred way of communicating for digital natives. This means that a lot of the traditional rules of digital marketing no longer apply. If you simply rely on desktop-focused websites and banner ads, you could be losing out on a lot of traffic.

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A nation of technology addicts

According to Ofcom’s latest Communications Market Report, the average UK adult spends more time using digital media than they do sleeping, and they multi-task using a wide range of devices. It makes sense for business owners to try to take advantage of this and improve their brand’s visibility, and their customer engagement, using mobile apps.

Smarter communication

Young people, in particular, use their mobile phones a lot – up to three and a half hours each day – to shop, communicate, check their email and do other day-to-day tasks. They want easy access to information at the time that they need it, and this is reflected in their search and their shopping habits. When a consumer uses their mobile to search for information about shops or service providers, there is a high chance that they intend to make a purchase that day. If you offer a sophisticated and useful mobile app that appears on their home screen then they may forego the searching, and simply open your app to get what they need.

Since mobile technology is such an important part of our lives, it makes sense for offerings to include not just responsive websites but also mobile apps. Working with a local company like that does SEO services in London will offer a lot of local SEO benefits even for a standalone website, but when it comes to mobiles, the benefits are even more pronounced.

The latest generations of digital natives have new communication habits and new shopping habits, and the companies that make the time to reach out to those shoppers will stand to benefit through improved PR and goodwill, as well as increased brand visibility and improved customer retention and long-term customer loyalty. One of the best things about mobile marketing is that it is a great leveler and it allows even smaller companies to become a household name within their local area.

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